Greetings Jonathan! This topic has been in the center of my group of friends...we are 10 years ahead (68)...LOL! And we're also not talking about stopping, but are adopting 'pretirement'...truly intentional about how we show up. My transition over the last decade (the pandemic sharpened my perspective) has shifted from mile-wide/inch-deep to inch-wide/mile deep! The words that emerged for me surround how I'm showing up in the world: BEing... Joyful & Generous & the Difference! Thanks for BEing all three in your Work!
Hey, B! I'm with you!! 10 years ahead! It's true, the last ten years have been a prep for me in terms of zeroing in on what nurtures my own three buckets. There is lots of room still in those buckets and Jonathan's podcast on this topic clarified a lot.
Still thinking about how I would go about defining my 2X20. :) But for this next season in my life, I'm choosing to go more with the flow and more surrendering. Open to exploring while also letting life come to me. Similar to the Daoists' concept of WuWei (effortless action) and Zen Buddhism's art of letting things go.
Smack in the middle of peri-menopause and this has been a question I've been sitting with for months. I feel a season coming to a close and I sense possibility in the air. I would like to claim and cultivate Ease. Prosperity. Regenerative.
Good timing for me as I turned 68 a month ago. I got a little weepy when I thought 2x20 would take me to 90. There’s an inclination to panic. So, in order not to panic, I am going to take a little time over this next week to ponder your structure.
Totally get that feeling. Part of me loves the structure of the 2x20, the other part defaults to "we plan, God laughs!" In a fun way, I feel like this structure actually leads to decisions that let me be more present in the now, regardless of what actually unfolds over the next 20. Hope that helps!
Oh the paradox of that! And truly, “We plan, God laughs”. Thanks for being you and all your brilliant contributions to our community which of course is also about vitality (as you can tell, I have been listening to the podcast about this).
Your prompts are always such a beautiful combination of the theoretical and the practical. I’m 30 and I hope these next two decades are centered around groundedness, curiosity and joy.
For me it’s simplicity, flow & meaning. I just listened to your 2x20 podcast episode & it hit me right in the heart for where I’m currently at in life. I just turned 50 years old this year & have been trying my own version of a 2x20 over the last 12 month, with very little progress. I was a practicing attorney for 20 years and just decided to give it up a year ago because I was basically sleep walking through life. I’m a naturally creative spirit (writing/music/designing ideas) who prefers simplicity and deep philosophical thought. I’m still trying to figure out how I can contribute to the world, but I feel like I’m still in the middle of trying to find some direction. I want to stop thinking and begin taking action. I’m starting that mindset by posting this comment here, and following along with your monthly updates as inspiration to keep going. I feel like I have something great to offer the world, but just don’t know what that is yet. Truly thankful for your offerings and all you share with the world because it does reach people out there like myself in a significant way!
Thanks for sharing your experience, Frank, and for your kind words. I did a stint as a lawyer in the 90s. At least back then, I wasn't finding a place in the field for me, though I occasionally wonder what might've happened had I applied my creative and entrepreneurial bent to conjuring a different model for the practice. Either way, I still deeply value both the education and the way it taught me to think. Excited to see what unfolds for you.
I also listened to Jonathan's podcast episode on this as I was in my darkroom making a test strip for my first cyanotype. This comes at a great time for me (after an initial panic about the age differences here - I am 68) because as I was "experimenting" I realized I have been prepping for this next two years over the last 10-15, since I retired. My prepping involved noodling around in the visual arts and Jonathan's structure (the four questions) provide wonderful guides. The biggest takeaway is "inaction is not an option". I think what I am trying to say here is how lucky you are to have just entered your 50's. It was a brilliant decade for me, and 60's gets even better...
Exploration, play, and connection are my three. (First draft :)). Loving this idea, thank you, Jonathan. Looking forward to listening to the podcast episode.
Is it a crazy weird coincidence that the day I finally published my first newsletter with the mindset of "I just have to try things and see what happens" that I listened to your podcast about experimenting with things now to create what you want in the future?!? This really hit home with me, thank you so much for sharing it with us all. I'm still working on my three words but I'm thinking freedom, connection, and meaning. I'm 42 but have been struggling with my life's direction for the last 12 years so would really love to make some progress on it soon!
Just turned 70 but know there just might be 20 years ahead. And it's why I started writing online. Because connection, contribution, and creativity matter a lot to me. So am helping others share their voices.
Look forward to your insights in the podcast. The three simpler guiding words for me for now anyway are love, flow, and joy.
So SO insightful thank you. I just signed up a few days ago. I am 60, the world and I will be a happier place giving back, now to determine the paths to do so!
Best thought and action you could ever have. Let me know if you need any wisdom or perspective on your 2x20 project. I'm at your destination now--78, so I know a thing or two about what you might experience from there to here. Or do you want me to just "hold my beer"?
Currently writing my bi-annual review and going to fold this in thank you! although 1x10 feels more accessible (even visioning out further than 5 years feels like a crazy stretch)
1x10, 2x20, 3x13, whatever gets your thought process going, it's all good. And I'm finding the important thing for me about the longer window is the decision-metric that gets put in place by it.
Agreed. I recall an adage oft repeated on Twitter (now X): “We over-estimate what we can do in 1 year, and under-estimate what we can do in 10.”
This thought always bothered me. I joined Twitter in 2011 (age 48). I was at a crux: stay in architecture (and do what?: learn retro AutoCAD, jump into the huge process of learning Revit - for what? Who would hire me…), or move into Interior Architecture (which i did… only to become disillusioned). Here it is 2024. I did return to 2 architecture firms, learned AutoCAD, worked in a new typology of Hospitality design and Multi-family projects. But I’m still feeling the vestiges of what one 1990’s Skill Set seminar book called “Deferred Living.” That’s the worst. A Walter Smitty way of life. Anyhow, forgive me for droning on. I shall copy/paste this into my phone Notes.
Can’t wait to jump into the podcast, but I just want to say, get out of my head! And… it’s no coincidence that this idea is swirling around in the ether, and I just love that I always feel connected to what you’re sharing!
Hey Jonathan, Just listened to your podcast (lots of rewinding as I was taking notes). Your explanation of the two years is a good one, I think, and I intend to listen to it again. If I understand correctly, in your mind it is the optimal time to create a "tension", which would lead to more strategic action. The advice to get out of the spin cycle of your mind is a good one, and most definitely easier said than done. I know for some folks it might be 3 x 30, or 1 x 10, or 2 x 10, and seems that it would be based on individual needs, but have you had discussions with your friends/colleagues/family about two? Can you imagine that for most folks two years is better than one, or three?
Hey Andi - great question. No definitive answer. The small handful of people I've run the 2x20 framework by have immediately resonated with the 2 year experimental window, but that is also likely a biased sample, since most were a similar age and moment in career and life to me. I think I'm also of an age where I'm good with a more expansive 2-year window, whereas for some folks that might seem interminable. For me, I've done and built enough things, tried and failed enough times to feel like an exploration of this depth needs time to unfold, but that time also benefits from some level of reasonable bounding. My sense is it's more of a "your mileage may vary" thing. Hope that helps.
Greetings Jonathan! This topic has been in the center of my group of friends...we are 10 years ahead (68)...LOL! And we're also not talking about stopping, but are adopting 'pretirement'...truly intentional about how we show up. My transition over the last decade (the pandemic sharpened my perspective) has shifted from mile-wide/inch-deep to inch-wide/mile deep! The words that emerged for me surround how I'm showing up in the world: BEing... Joyful & Generous & the Difference! Thanks for BEing all three in your Work!
Hey B - love the notion of "pretirement," and the shift to inch-wide/mile deep. Inspired!
Hey, B! I'm with you!! 10 years ahead! It's true, the last ten years have been a prep for me in terms of zeroing in on what nurtures my own three buckets. There is lots of room still in those buckets and Jonathan's podcast on this topic clarified a lot.
Right, Andi?!!!! BE well dear one and continue to pour into your buckets!
Still thinking about how I would go about defining my 2X20. :) But for this next season in my life, I'm choosing to go more with the flow and more surrendering. Open to exploring while also letting life come to me. Similar to the Daoists' concept of WuWei (effortless action) and Zen Buddhism's art of letting things go.
Love that. Surrender is a beautiful exploration to drop into.
Smack in the middle of peri-menopause and this has been a question I've been sitting with for months. I feel a season coming to a close and I sense possibility in the air. I would like to claim and cultivate Ease. Prosperity. Regenerative.
Love those words.
Good timing for me as I turned 68 a month ago. I got a little weepy when I thought 2x20 would take me to 90. There’s an inclination to panic. So, in order not to panic, I am going to take a little time over this next week to ponder your structure.
Totally get that feeling. Part of me loves the structure of the 2x20, the other part defaults to "we plan, God laughs!" In a fun way, I feel like this structure actually leads to decisions that let me be more present in the now, regardless of what actually unfolds over the next 20. Hope that helps!
Oh the paradox of that! And truly, “We plan, God laughs”. Thanks for being you and all your brilliant contributions to our community which of course is also about vitality (as you can tell, I have been listening to the podcast about this).
Your prompts are always such a beautiful combination of the theoretical and the practical. I’m 30 and I hope these next two decades are centered around groundedness, curiosity and joy.
Love your three words, Ashley! Groundedness has a been a big part of my adventure, too, though still very much a moving target.
For me it’s simplicity, flow & meaning. I just listened to your 2x20 podcast episode & it hit me right in the heart for where I’m currently at in life. I just turned 50 years old this year & have been trying my own version of a 2x20 over the last 12 month, with very little progress. I was a practicing attorney for 20 years and just decided to give it up a year ago because I was basically sleep walking through life. I’m a naturally creative spirit (writing/music/designing ideas) who prefers simplicity and deep philosophical thought. I’m still trying to figure out how I can contribute to the world, but I feel like I’m still in the middle of trying to find some direction. I want to stop thinking and begin taking action. I’m starting that mindset by posting this comment here, and following along with your monthly updates as inspiration to keep going. I feel like I have something great to offer the world, but just don’t know what that is yet. Truly thankful for your offerings and all you share with the world because it does reach people out there like myself in a significant way!
Thanks for sharing your experience, Frank, and for your kind words. I did a stint as a lawyer in the 90s. At least back then, I wasn't finding a place in the field for me, though I occasionally wonder what might've happened had I applied my creative and entrepreneurial bent to conjuring a different model for the practice. Either way, I still deeply value both the education and the way it taught me to think. Excited to see what unfolds for you.
Thanks for this insight! In a way, it helped me to at least find a way to place value on my legal education & experience!
I also listened to Jonathan's podcast episode on this as I was in my darkroom making a test strip for my first cyanotype. This comes at a great time for me (after an initial panic about the age differences here - I am 68) because as I was "experimenting" I realized I have been prepping for this next two years over the last 10-15, since I retired. My prepping involved noodling around in the visual arts and Jonathan's structure (the four questions) provide wonderful guides. The biggest takeaway is "inaction is not an option". I think what I am trying to say here is how lucky you are to have just entered your 50's. It was a brilliant decade for me, and 60's gets even better...
Thanks for that takeaway - sometimes I have to remind myself that it's a good thing that I am waking up at 50 then never taking any action at all:)
Exploration, play, and connection are my three. (First draft :)). Loving this idea, thank you, Jonathan. Looking forward to listening to the podcast episode.
Great words, Karen!
Thanks! and am sharing your ideas, with thanks.
Can’t wait to listen this week. Joy, meaning and flow.
Love those words, Emily! So similar to mine, especially in their essence.
For sure. ❤️
Is it a crazy weird coincidence that the day I finally published my first newsletter with the mindset of "I just have to try things and see what happens" that I listened to your podcast about experimenting with things now to create what you want in the future?!? This really hit home with me, thank you so much for sharing it with us all. I'm still working on my three words but I'm thinking freedom, connection, and meaning. I'm 42 but have been struggling with my life's direction for the last 12 years so would really love to make some progress on it soon!
Love that "coincidence!" So glad this framework resonated.
Just turned 70 but know there just might be 20 years ahead. And it's why I started writing online. Because connection, contribution, and creativity matter a lot to me. So am helping others share their voices.
Look forward to your insights in the podcast. The three simpler guiding words for me for now anyway are love, flow, and joy.
Love those guiding words, Jeanette. As well as connection, contribution, and creativity.
So SO insightful thank you. I just signed up a few days ago. I am 60, the world and I will be a happier place giving back, now to determine the paths to do so!
Wonderful to be connected, Suzan. Looking forward to hearing about the paths you explore!
Best thought and action you could ever have. Let me know if you need any wisdom or perspective on your 2x20 project. I'm at your destination now--78, so I know a thing or two about what you might experience from there to here. Or do you want me to just "hold my beer"?
Thanks, Georgia! I may well check back in for some "advance wisdom" down the road. :-)
Currently writing my bi-annual review and going to fold this in thank you! although 1x10 feels more accessible (even visioning out further than 5 years feels like a crazy stretch)
1x10, 2x20, 3x13, whatever gets your thought process going, it's all good. And I'm finding the important thing for me about the longer window is the decision-metric that gets put in place by it.
Agreed. I recall an adage oft repeated on Twitter (now X): “We over-estimate what we can do in 1 year, and under-estimate what we can do in 10.”
This thought always bothered me. I joined Twitter in 2011 (age 48). I was at a crux: stay in architecture (and do what?: learn retro AutoCAD, jump into the huge process of learning Revit - for what? Who would hire me…), or move into Interior Architecture (which i did… only to become disillusioned). Here it is 2024. I did return to 2 architecture firms, learned AutoCAD, worked in a new typology of Hospitality design and Multi-family projects. But I’m still feeling the vestiges of what one 1990’s Skill Set seminar book called “Deferred Living.” That’s the worst. A Walter Smitty way of life. Anyhow, forgive me for droning on. I shall copy/paste this into my phone Notes.
Can’t wait to jump into the podcast, but I just want to say, get out of my head! And… it’s no coincidence that this idea is swirling around in the ether, and I just love that I always feel connected to what you’re sharing!
lol! how many years have we been doing this dance at a distance? Hope you're good!
Feels like for as long as we have known each other! I am good! It’s nice to see you writing again! Send my love to Stephanie!
Thank you for sharing. I’m going to be thinking about my 3 words as I go I to my 3x30. Next stop - listening to that podcast episode. Thanks J!
Love the 3x30, so fun to just make it yours.
Hey Jonathan, Just listened to your podcast (lots of rewinding as I was taking notes). Your explanation of the two years is a good one, I think, and I intend to listen to it again. If I understand correctly, in your mind it is the optimal time to create a "tension", which would lead to more strategic action. The advice to get out of the spin cycle of your mind is a good one, and most definitely easier said than done. I know for some folks it might be 3 x 30, or 1 x 10, or 2 x 10, and seems that it would be based on individual needs, but have you had discussions with your friends/colleagues/family about two? Can you imagine that for most folks two years is better than one, or three?
Hey Andi - great question. No definitive answer. The small handful of people I've run the 2x20 framework by have immediately resonated with the 2 year experimental window, but that is also likely a biased sample, since most were a similar age and moment in career and life to me. I think I'm also of an age where I'm good with a more expansive 2-year window, whereas for some folks that might seem interminable. For me, I've done and built enough things, tried and failed enough times to feel like an exploration of this depth needs time to unfold, but that time also benefits from some level of reasonable bounding. My sense is it's more of a "your mileage may vary" thing. Hope that helps.