A powerful lesson, particularly the part about how little we know for sure. Here's to curiosity, exploration, and lifelong wondering, wandering, and learning. Thanks for sharing your experience and wisdom along the way!

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Love this, Debbie - "lifelong wondering, wandering, and learning" !!!

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Yes, how do we know? Feel like I’ve made the wrong call regarding that far too often. I’ve lived in that, I’ll do it myself! camp for such a long time and asking for help hasn’t always been helpful either. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to knowing how to find trustworthy help lately.

I’m having big snow envy right now too! Looks like CO finally got some. We should have had about 30 inches by now where I am in northern AZ, but have had only 3 or 4 inches. No snowboarding for us. 🥺

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Same, same, Janet. I kind of love to think I can figure everything out myself. But, sometimes, we just need help. And, yes, we got some sweet snow, after a pretty slow start to the season. Will try to send some your way!

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Wish I saw your replies sooner.

Yeah, I’m a big, I can do it! person. ( Stuart always pops into my head when I say things like this.)

We could still use that snow!

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Hi Janet, Jonathan mentions something at the very end that is very curious to me… find someone “ qualified to offer insight we don’t have”. Qualified?.. So who is that? Seems like you have not found the person(s) yet. Sorry. It shouldn’t be this hard to find people to listen and help by sharing something they have experienced or learned on their life’s journey. Culturally we should have an abundance of “elders” with tons of experience to share and yet we have so few. Or, perhaps we don’t know how to show up as elders. Or, we don’t know how to access them. (Who is available/qualified?) For sure being an elder is more than just being old. It’s a kink in our cultural system. I’m doing some work around that. Coaches can be great, but sometimes we just need a someone “free” who can speak their truth and that just might be helpful to us. A loose definition of qualified might be someone who only speaks to their truth - not someone who claims to know the only truth. Elders - can share their story which is true for them.

Not sure how this is helpful to you but I guess I’m suggesting that you be open to considering that there might be someone in your orbit that is just one “ask” away from being helpful. Good luck.

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Mike. I agree with what you say about learning from our elders. It was years ago now, but when I worked at an assisted living facility, the elders there were very helpful to me and I loved being around them. Not all were helpful, of course, but I really appreciated their wisdom and insight more often than not.

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Oh I'm grappling. And it's such an interesting ride! Learning to finally listen to my body. Shouldn't this be mandatory learning in school?!

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Wouldn't it be amazing if so much more about how to truly live was actually a part of school, Miranda!

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I was swearing at God with my hip pain in the wee hours. No amount of tylenol did the trick. So i lashed out to the world to God to spiritual guides.,i wanted to die. I decided to make an audio called fucking pain. Now I am ok until next time.,..

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Oh, Chantal, so glad it helped, and hoping you experience more lasting relief.

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Thank you

I think the pain is telling me to release fury, anger and be free from illness and go back to my original source which is spirit, feeling the love and peace within again. Today I played with words starting with f.

The fierce fury of anger flaring up into flame igniting the fire of spirit.

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This struck a chord (literally LOL) as I am grappling with a knee MCL injury that happened 4 weeks ago. It is healing, but still hurts when I straighten the leg or bend it completely. My instinct was that I needed to go through the pain and force it into the positions that hurt ("good pain to be leaned into and worked through") but when I mentioned my plan to my osteopath - yesterday - he did not think it was a good idea. And today this post shows up in my inbox to confirm one of its best lines: "I’m fairly confident that I’m certain of nothing. " So now, I must decide...surrender to my intuition OR surrender to the specialist OR make the "or" an "AND". Cheers to being open to receiving guidance from unexpected places, least of it, from my inbox! Thanks Jonathan!

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Hoping it's healing up a little more, day by day, Junia. And, often times, the answer is listen to both your intuition/body, and also seek guidance from wise people who know more than we might.

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Great post! I had an experience similar to yours following spine surgery. Being in a neck collar for so long caused the same kind of degradation in muscle function and necessary re-booting of nerve function you describe. All very painful. Burning and aching and weakness and pins and needles and huge muscle spasms. With the additional pressure of my surgeon's caution that I had a 6 month window for this "remodeling" to occur to maximize neck rotation. After that, I would be stuck with whatever number I scored on the goniometer. Having learned since childhood to be a talking head and ignore what was happening in the body, what should I do about pain in the neck, right on the border? It was tough, both physically and emotionally. I learned that "good pain" stayed in the neck. "Bad pain" traveled down the arm. That meant I had to listen to my body. Sounds simple, right?

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It's amazing how the treatment sometimes brings it's own "stuff" to deal with, Alice. So glad you were able to suss out how best to listen to your body and your people.

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"Of course, this isn’t just about broken bones. It’s about life.

"We all will experience pain...."

Thank you so much for the reminder - and the possibile jumping off for my own Substack later today


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Glad to be able to provide a little something to noodle on, Andrea.

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Today has been cathartic for me, my pain is a totally parallel universe to what you have been through. My pain is just unnecessary noise, coming from that rectangle on the wall…. (It is on almost 24/7) unfortunately it is my husbands crutch (I am probably being slightly obtuse here) but those are the words that came to me…. I need silence so I can sort my thoughts and get them onto paper. Anyone know where I can buy a decent pair of headphones or earplugs

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We all have our own sources of pain, and that wall rectangle can lead to a tangle of it. Hope you find the silence you need, Denise.

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Thanks Jonathan, I hope so too.

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This was profound for me, especially when I am post op 9 days from an ACL reconstruction. This listening. I didn’t do it prior to October 12 when my injury occurred but I can tell you with certainty this season has taught me the measure of my own good pain and bad pain. Living in the bad pain physically while focusing on my good pain mentally has been cathartic and bringing me home to myself in ways I never dreamt before my injury. Thank you for this.

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Oh, Kallai! Hope all went well and the healing is underway.

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A wonderful report yesterday so we are moving (literally / figuratively) right along!

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Hurt? Yes. Hide, hoard? Hmm…

Pain? Yes. Fret, gripe, worry, whine?

What is added on.

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Words that make me think/feel, Marisol.

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Mine was a trimalleolar fracture of the ankle and agree everything hurts for a while. It has taught me to listen and interpret on a whole new level! Glad you got back to normal.

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The top three posts in my feed today were all about pain—how to listen in, learn from, and even create with it. So nice to not be alone and be in tune with the Zeitgeist. Thank you.

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