“Human trying to be…” exhale. I’ve spent so much life in the building a good life. What strikes me after reading your words is the earnest and the tender, the curious and the care for others and your own being. Each of us has a voice of alchemy as makers and artists, even as scientists and healing professionals. Our ingenuity and creativity mixed with the soul stuff is nothing short of miracle. Even Mary Oliver says it best, “ You do not have to be good, you do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting, you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves…” and so here we are the gift of another swirl around the sun in the Milky Way galaxy of the unknown and the known weaving our hearts into things of stars and earth. Inhale. Exhale. Thank you for your voice and be-ing, Jonathan. 💛

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Always loved those lines from Mary Oliver. Thanks so much for bringing me back to them.

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You’re welcome, Jonathan.💛

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I love this. As a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser, I've been actively working to unlearn my conditioning of being a "good girl," of producing and being accomplished, of feeling like hard feelings mean I've done something wrong. In this next phase of my life, I'm trying to embrace acceptance, authenticity, and peace, and finding what is real and true is central to that.

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Conditioning is so powerful, love that you're exploring a more true way to be.

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Thanks, Jonathan! I'm loving your podcast too, by the way. As I go on this authenticity journey, I love surrounding myself (via Substack and podcasts and books) with others who are on similar journeys.

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I'm right there with you on all of that, Brieanna! I think the difference for me is that "good" is all tied up with external expectations, but true is so much more internal.

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I totally agree. I often think things like, "Who defines what's good?" whereas no one can argue with what is true for me.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

This made my heart simultaneously sing and sigh a breath of relief. Thank you.❤️

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Tara, so glad it led to a sing and a sigh.

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Oct 7Liked by Jonathan Fields

I love this shift in focus. I am going to bring the question “what is true in this moment?” with me on my daily walk (which I also refer to as my wander & wonder time.) Thank you.

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Love that as a seed for your daily walk, Stephanie.

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I like your "wander & wonder". That's how I walk on holidays and I really enjoy walking on holidays.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

It seems like it is true that many people value your podcast for inspiration, advice and support and some - because it helps them to fall asleep… ;-)

In any case - you are serving and helping people. That’s the truth!

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Thanks for the kind words, Benjamin. I'm learning to be okay with all of it. :-)

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Greetings dear one! #TRUTH!!! So appreciate the generosity of sharing your experience as it unfolds...thank you!

I have to 'dove-tail' off of Brieanna's statement. I, too, am a ;recovering perfectionist'! In my practice, with leadership teams. when talking about self-awareness...ya gotta know and embrace all of you...not perfection...getting better all the time! I've had the honor of having so many caring leaders/mentors in my life...one recognized my inner battle with perfectionism and shared with me: You know, Bernadette, your OK is everyone elses' fantastic." That was 30 years ago...I still hear her voice when I hit a 'speed bump'...LOL!!! Because of this, I'm able to remind leaders that we are imperfect beings leading imperfect beings...how do we create a 'space for grace'...for ourselves and those we are called to lead. In deepest appreciation, Jonathan, for being mentor on this magical journey as well!

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Love this, Bernadette! It's one of those lessons that takes a life to integrate, even while we're sharing it with others.

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Oct 7Liked by Jonathan Fields

The relief. Being true. This is now my touchstone. More clarity - Thank you.

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Feels like an exhale. :-)

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Dude. Ya just keep on doin’ IT. Spewing all the sense. Making practicality into poems. The revelatory ah-ha I needed in this moment. Writing what’s true… yup, yup. That’ll unlock some wheel spins. ✔️🙌🏻

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Ha, on occasion, the sense comes as a part of the writing. ;-)

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Thank you for the wake up call series. It aligns with my mantra which every client gets a taste of somewhere in our relationship when I talk about "The Art of the Painfully Obvious" These truths are in plain sight and staring back at them without blinking takes mindfulness and intention. Your comment about "get closer to the bone" tickled me because I grew up in a Texas culture that said "Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone." Wake up call, indeed, my friend.

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Totally agree, I feel like the journey is more about peeling away what obscures what we've always known. And, your "to the bone" reference made me giggle too.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

So true. And also good. So many gems in there: when you "weave a thread of collective experience", you not only make me (and others) feel less lonely, but more alive. When you "witness, inhabit and incant what is real" you spark the witnesses in me (and others). Very liberating. When you declare you are a "human trying to be", you meet me (and everyone) where we are in the dance of doing and being. Thank you Jonathan. Always.

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Junia, so glad these ideas felt liberating. I'm feeling a bit of the same as I settle into the exploration of good and true, and not necessary as opposites, but as options.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

Thank you ! I appreciate your podcast and read everything I can find that Rosemerry writes. You both provide a little respite from the crazy.

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Thanks, Laura. I'm new to Rosemerry's work and now an instant fan. Can't wide to dive into more of her writing, and as well as her daily poems.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

Aww, so beautiful and freeing! Thank you for sharing!

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So glad, and thanks for the kind words, Bev.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

Heartfelt and true. Thanks for all you do.

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Thanks, Christine.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

Our alignment with our true Self is the highest form of prayer as it emanates love in all directions because our heart is open.

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Beautifully said, Victoria. Allowing that true Self to reveal itself, then opening to what it reveals is quite the adventure.

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Yes, it is!

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This is a keeper. Our self criticism, necessary as it is, can also be a barrier. I always tell myself that perfection is the enemy of Good. But Truth must come first.

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Thanks, David. Agree with you, there is often useful insight/information in self-criticism, but also so much other "stuff" that rides along with it that can stop us from doing the very things that make us come alive.

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Oct 6Liked by Jonathan Fields

Such an important insight that feels right and liberating. Thank you

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So glad this resonated with you, Noel.

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